Sports Newsletter Autumn 2023
Please see attached the Sports Newsletter for the Autumn term 2023.
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Please see attached the Sports Newsletter for the Autumn term 2023.
The first disco of the school year is on Friday 3rd November. Tickets are £3 and can be purchased through MCAS.
Foundation/Year1/Year2: 5-5:45pm
Year2/Year3/Year4: 6-7pm
The end of the first half-term of the year has arrived and what a half-term it has been! The children have settled excellently into their new classes and have worked incredibly hard this half-term; we are all so proud of them. Thank you for your continued support- it is very much appreciated by us all. We hope you all have a fun, relaxing half-term break and look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 31st October.
It is World Mental Health Day on October 10th, 2023.
This year the theme is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’.
To recognise this in school, we will be asking the children to take a few minutes to check in on how they are feeling. This embeds the importance of taking time to notice their emotional well-being and how that can impact on their day.
Please see below for the letter about our harvest celebrations in school:
During the summer term all the children were involved in creating a unique piece of art work for our school which I am delighted to say has been displayed on the wall outside, just to the left of year 4. It has been wonderful to see so many of our children looking for their work.
Explore the Ready, Set, Read! Book Collection
Get ready for a whole load of team spirit, your fave sporty (or not!) heroes, and plenty of fun with our latest collection for the 2023 sports and games themed Summer Reading Challenge: Ready, Set, Read! Each book has been specially chosen by an expert group of readers for everybody taking part to enjoy.
Lots of these titles are also available for you to enjoy – for free! – through your local library service. Visit your local library’s website or app to browse their online catalogue.
The Henbury Summer Fair, run by the Friends of Henbury, is on Friday 30th June 3:20-5pm. We have a range of different things planned, including a bouncy castle assault course, an inside driving course and the Lego Man!
Please see below for the Sports Week Newsletter. We are so excited to be going bigger and better than ever before!
It is mental health awareness week from 15th to 21st May, with a focus on anxiety. To raise awareness within school, we are going to share a range of breathing techniques over the week to embed strategies to combat feelings of anxiety. The children will also be encouraged to share their own techniques they use with others at school and at home. During the week in our PSHE sessions, we will be focusing on who, what and where we feel safe, calm and happy, and how we can lower our anxiety.
Mental Health Awareness Week: Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 | Mental Health Foundation
Please see the bottom of the wellbeing hub for a range of calming techniques that we will be using with the children throughout the week.
Please see the attached letter regarding Red Nose Day on Friday 17th March.
We are thrilled to again be celebrating World Book Week (w/b 27th February). Please see the attached letter regarding the events and organisation for the week.