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Governing Body Overview

The Governors are a vital part of the school partnership, working together for the benefit of the children and the effective running of the school. We work closely with teachers, non-teaching staff and parents to provide the best possible education for the children of Henbury View. Henbury View has a strong Governing body which consists of 10 members including the Head teacher as follows;

Headteacher: Mrs Sally Wall

Parent Governor

Ms Victoria Currie

Staff Governor
Mr Dan Saunders

Co-opted Governors

Ms Emma Samways
Mr Chris Loder

Ms Natasha Breeze

Mr Oliver Hodgman 

Ms Evie Ford 

Chair of Governors: Ms Emma Samways
Vice Chair of Governors: Ms Victoria Currie/Mr C Loder
Clerk to the Governors: Ms Beth Stannard

Our Governing body has a strong focus on the three core strategic functions within Henbury:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the education performance of Henbury View and its pupils.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of Henbury View and making sure it is money well spent.

Our governors are accountable for:

  • The quality of education provided
  • The use of public funds
  • The wider contribution to the community